gradient search

英 [ˈɡreɪdiənt sɜːtʃ] 美 [ˈɡreɪdiənt sɜːrtʃ]




  1. The Convergence of the Liu-Storey Conjugate Gradient Method with Armijo-type Non-monotone Line Search
  2. Combined with the gradient search, a hybrid genetic algorithm is formed to overcome the local minimum of the gradient search and the slowness of convergence rate of simple genetic algorithms.
  3. A new class of memory gradient methods with Wolfe line search
  4. Convergence Analysis on Conjugate Gradient Algorithm with an Inexact Linear Search
  5. The simulation results show that the ( coupled) ( algorithm) is able to make full use of the quickness of gradient search and the ability of global optimization of chaotic search.
  6. A coupled exercise algorithm of forward neural network combined with gradient search and chaotic optimization search
  7. The real coded genetic algorithm is also proposed to search the optimum solution, which can overcome the drawback of traditional gradient search technique which is likely to fall in local minimum.
  8. Hybrid Conjugate Gradient Method with Nonmonotone Linear Search
  9. The search direction is formed by using gradient projection, and the search directions and functions are controlled effectively by the sign functions.
  10. With the direct access technique of a column or a block of grid data, it is possible for us to calculate the total gradient amplitude and to search automatically and trace continuously the maximum points of grid data in large quantities.
  11. A Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Method under Exact Line Search
  12. Simulation Study on Robot Active Olfaction Based on Evolutionary Gradient Search
  13. In each iteration, the linear combination of negative gradient and its previous gradient are used as a search direction, and stepsize is defined by Armijo's line search.
  14. A New Global Optimization Algorithm Based upon Gradient Search
  15. On the Convergence of Memory Gradient Method with Wolfe Line Search
  16. From the different search algorithm and search criteria adopted by two-dimension logarithmic search algorithm, cross search algorithm, gradient descend search algorithm based on block, and diamond search algorithm, etc, we have analysed their applicability, and compared them in terms of computational complexity.
  17. A Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Gradient Diamond-shaped Search Technique
  18. Based on this macroscopic model, reduced gradient method was applied to search for the optimal working conditions of pumping stations.
  19. Convergence of New Memory Gradient Method with Armijo Search
  20. An active olfaction implementation scheme based on evolutionary gradient search ( EGS) using a swarm of robots is put forward.
  21. Improved conjugate gradient methods with exact line search
  22. The identification model of this class of time-varying systems and the projection algorithm, stochastic gradient algorithm and forgetting gradient algorithm for this class of TVS is presented by using the gradient search principle.
  23. People mainly apply the back propagation algorithm ( BP algorithm) based on gradient descent direction of search to train the weights of the multi-layered feedforward neural network.
  24. With the help of the search technique based on traditional optimal methods, gradient operator cross search operator and evolution operator are exploited to strengthen the local search ability of genetic algorithm.
  25. The comparison between the 2-order perturbation solutions and numerical optimum solutions by gradient search are demonstrated too, which prove that the 2-order perturbation solutions are stable enough. 2.
  26. To reduce computation and enhance algorithm speed, the paper presents a variable search region area-matching approach based on disparity gradient, according to relationship between disparity gradient and search region.
  27. For the large-scale sensor network positioning, the gradient search algorithm is presented and applied to the cluster-based positioning, which effectively improves the performance of the cluster-based SDP distributed positioning algorithm.
  28. Genetic algorithm, as a bionic intelligence optimization technology, which can overcome the drawback of traditional gradient search technique, has been widely used in many fields of engineering science.
  29. Then, based on the nonlinear programming theory, a constraint problem is translated into an unconstrained one by general constrained multiplier method, the conjugate gradient and linear search method are integrated together to solve the optimization problem.
  30. In order to determine these two parameters, two methods of gradient direction search method and circulation test algorithm are proposed.